The Tapping Solution Podcast

with Alex Ortner

On The Tapping Solution Podcast we share information, strategies, tapping and at times inspiring interviews, all to help YOU live your best life!.

All Episodes

Episode 77

How to Manifest Your Heart's Desire with Tapping (Part 1)

Is there something you really desire? Why do you think it hasn't manifested for you yet? We'll explore this topic, and how to release the blocks to getting what you want, in the presentation originally recorded as a Facebook Live event for my book, The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Great... Tune in!
Episode 76

Releasing the Fear of Flying Tapping Meditation

If there's one place I see people tapping in public, it's on airplanes! If you need to travel, and you have a fear of flying, Tapping is such a fantastic tool to help release that anxiety. Here's a meditation that can help.... Tune in!
Episode 75

How to Support Your Beloved Pets Through Tapping

Our pets can become like family to us, and when they are in pain or suffering, we want to help them the best we can. In this interview from the 2015 Tapping World Summit, we have world-renowned animal communicator Joan Ranquet to shed some light on how we can better connect with our pets.... Tune in!
Episode 74

Overcoming Resistance to Exercise Tapping Meditation

Right now, depending on where around the world you may be listening, you're either deep into the heat & humidity of summer or the chill of winter - both of which may drain your motivation to exercise. So here's a Tapping Meditation that may help!... Tune in!
Episode 73

Tapping for Clearing a Traumatic Event

Throughout our lives, we'll experience certain degrees of trauma - some big and some small. In this clip, originally recorded live for a Hay House event, you'll hear how I work with a woman who not only experienced the burning of her house, but also the loss of her beloved dog in the fire.... Tune in!
Episode 72

Tapping for Attracting Money

In this podcast, originally a video interview recorded for the Tapping Insiders Club, Jessica chats with EFT Master Carol Look on how EFT Tapping can be used to attract abundance into our lives, and why it's so effective.... Tune in!
Episode 71

Tapping Meditation for Overcoming Cigarette Cravings

With summer, comes many outdoor gatherings, cookouts, and swimming time. But if you're someone who's trying to quit smoking, these public events and places can really trigger your cravings if there are other smokers around. So here's a Tapping Meditation to help curb that craving when it hits.... Tune in!
Episode 70

Using Tapping with Energy Medicine for Dramatic Results

Lots of people have heard of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology, but what is it really, and how can you apply it? Here's a timeless classic from our 2015 Tapping World Summit with energy expert and pioneer Donna Eden to provide some insight. If you're looking to energize and bring new life to ... Tune in!
Episode 69

Focus and Productivity: Using Tapping to Get More Done

We all seem to have to-do lists, but how many of us actually get all of those tasks completed? Contrary to what you may have heard, that may actually be a good thing! We've pulled a spectacular interview with Dr. Dawson Church from our 2016 Tapping World Summit to help explain. Information f... Tune in!
Episode 68

Tapping Meditation for Releasing Parental Overwhelm

Being a parent can be full of fun and joy, but it also comes with responsibilities. And sometimes those can get overwhelming. To go along with the release of my newest children's book, "My Magic Breath: Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing", we're sharing a bonus Tapping Meditation to help bri... Tune in!

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Follow the producer of the Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

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