Today is all about matters of the heart. Jessica welcomes guest Rachel DeAlto to the show. A relationship expert, Rachel will share the top 3 blocks keeping you from the love you want and the top 3 ways to reignite and nourish your current relationship.... Tune in!
Do you have happiness guilt? When feeling good is followed by guilt causing questions like, "do I deserve to feel happy? " Join Jessica today as she shares how to leave the guilt behind so you can say a big YES to feeling good!... Tune in!
Do you find yourself yawning while you are tapping and wonder why? This is good news, it's your body releasing stress! Tapping is also excellent for expanding your breath. Once you start letting go of your stress you can take on more of the good things your body needs, like fresh oxygen. Listen in a... Tune in!
It's almost February.... how are you doing with those New Year's resolutions? Whether you made any or not, listen in to this podcast and learn how Tapping can help you get to the root cause of why you may be sabotaging yourself and what you can do to move forward and manifest your desires.... Tune in!
You set some goals, and a week into the New Year you're already beating yourself up and feeling overwhelmed. The expectations and pressure we put on ourselves in the New Year are often the very things that keep us stuck in place. Tap away the frustration and learn how you can set yourself up for suc... Tune in!
Jessica Ortner interviews Terri Cole. Although this interview was a year ago, the tips they share will inspire you to enjoy this holiday season and feel the way you intend to feel both now and into the New Year.... Tune in!
Jessica Ortner interviews celebrity Feng Shui expert, Ken Lauher. He will teach you easy Feng Shui tips that will help you create a space that leaves you feeling empowered, productive, and stress free. If you’re struggling with clutter or your home makes you feel tired and uninspired, listen in to... Tune in!
Listen in to this podcast as Nick taps with Cindy on her pain and hear the relief she experiences and the new found hope she discovers that is available to her through Tapping.... Tune in!
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